Type | Contaminant | Max. Contaminant Level Goal (ppm) | Max. Contaminant Level (ppm) -or- Required Treatment Technique | Potential Health Effects from Long-Term Exposure Above the MCL (unless specified as short-term) | Sources of Contaminant in Drinking Water | Consumer Treatment Method | Official Sources |
Disinfection Byproducts | Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) | Varies depending on specific TTHM | 0.08 | Liver, kidney or central nervous system problems; increased risk of cancer | Byproduct of drinking water disinfection | Activated Carbon Filtration, Aeration | EPA, EPA |
Trihalomethanes (THMs) are a group of chemical compounds that may be found in drinking water supplies, specifically in chlorinated water drawn from sources with high levels of organic materials. These chemicals are formed as by-products of the process of disinfecting water when chlorine is added to water systems. THMs pose potential risks to human health when consumed in high concentrations over extended periods of time.
There are several types of THMs commonly found in drinking water, including chloroform, bromodichloromethane, bromoform, and dibromochloromethane. The formation of THMs in water is influenced by factors such as temperature, chlorine and humic acid concentration, pH, and bromide ion concentration. In order to protect public health, regulatory agencies have set limits on the permissible concentrations of THMs in drinking water, and water treatment facilities strive to reduce their presence to ensure the quality and safety of the water supply.
Awareness of the presence of THMs in drinking water is important for both authorities and consumers alike. It is essential to implement appropriate treatment methods and monitor water quality to ensure that these potentially harmful chemicals are kept at levels that do not pose a danger to human health.
Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water

The World Health Organization (WHO) has set guidelines for maximum levels of THMs in drinking water to ensure the safety of the water supply. This is done to minimize the potential risk of cancer and other health problems that may be associated with long-term exposure to THMs. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for each of the four THMs, as well as a total MCL for all THMs combined.
In addition to potential cancer risks, some studies have suggested that long-term exposure to high levels of THMs may be linked to other health issues, such as damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. It is important to note, however, that most of the observed acute disease effects occurred from much higher concentrations than is found in drinking water disinfected with chlorine.The benefits of disinfection with chlorine far outweigh the potential risks associated with THMs.
While the use of chlorine is an effective method of water disinfection, alternative disinfection methods can also help reduce the formation of THMs. For instance, using chloramine, a combination of chlorine and ammonia, can result in fewer THMs being formed during the disinfection process. Additionally, water treatment plants can implement strategies to remove natural organic matter from water supplies before disinfection, further reducing the potential for THMs to form.
In conclusion, trihalomethanes are important compounds to be aware of in relation to drinking water safety. The EPA plays a crucial role in regulating and ensuring that THMs are kept at safe levels in the water supply. Understanding the chemistry, potential health risks, and methods of controlling THMs is essential in order to guarantee a safe and clean drinking water supply.
How to Test for Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water

Testing for trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water is an essential step to ensure the safety of tap water. THMs are chemical compounds often found in water that has been disinfected with chlorine or chloramine, and they may have health consequences when consumed at high levels over an extended period. This section discusses how to effectively test for these contaminants in drinking water.
A common method used to test for THMs, specifically the four regulated compounds—chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform—is through gas chromatography (GC) or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. These techniques provide accurate and reliable results, and they follow guidelines provided by regulatory bodies such as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Before initiating the water test, it is critical to collect a representative sample of the tap water. This should be done by first allowing the water to run for several minutes to flush out any residual disinfectants or contaminants in the plumbing system. After filling a sterilized container with the water sample, it should be tightly sealed, stored at a low temperature, and transported to a certified laboratory.
At the laboratory, analysts follow specific procedures in line with the EPA Method 501 or its equivalent. This ensures that the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total trihalomethanes (TTHM) is not exceeded. In the US, the EPA has set the MCL for TTHMs at 80 micrograms per liter (µg/L), whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) sets guidelines individually for the four primary regulated THMs. These limits ensure that drinking water is safe for long-term consumption.
When selecting a laboratory, it is essential to ensure that it is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or an equivalent organization. This guarantees that the laboratory follows strict testing protocols and quality control measures to provide accurate and reliable results.
In conclusion, to effectively test for trihalomethanes in drinking water, it is crucial to follow appropriate sampling procedures, use precise analytical methods such as GC or GC/MS, and adhere to regulatory guidelines. Engaging a certified laboratory that conducts tests in accordance with ANSI standards further ensures accurate and reliable results, protecting public health and ensuring the safety of tap water.
How to Remove Trihalomethanes from Drinking Water
Activated Carbon Filtration
Activated carbon filtration is a highly effective method for removing trihalomethanes (THMs) from drinking water. These filters use materials such as charcoal or activated carbon to adsorb organic compounds, including THMs, from the water. The larger the filter, the more effective it is at removing THMs and other contaminants.
Granular activated carbon (GAC) and powdered activated carbon (PAC) are two types of activated carbon filters commonly used in water treatment. Both are suitable for use in water treatment systems, although GAC and synthetic resin filters are easier to dispose of. Activated carbon filters need regular maintenance and replacement to ensure effectiveness.
Aeration is another method used to remove THMs and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water. This process involves introducing air or oxygen into the water, which causes the compounds to evaporate and escape the water. However, a study on different treatment techniques showed that aeration is not as effective at removing high concentrations of certain THMs, although is still a good option for reducing the total level of THMs.
Aeration methods include diffused aeration, where compressed air is released into the water, and spray aeration, which involves spraying the water into the air to increase the contact between water and air. Aeration equipment such as air strippers and aerators can be installed in large water treatment facilities or added to household plumbing systems for localized treatment.
Combining aeration with activated carbon filtration or reverse osmosis systems can provide a comprehensive solution for removing THMs and other impurities from drinking water.
How Do Trihalomethanes Get into Drinking Water?

Trihalomethanes (THMs) are chemical compounds that can find their way into drinking water through various sources. One of the primary reasons for their presence in water is the interaction between disinfectants and organic matter. When water treatment facilities use chlorine or chloramine to disinfect water, these chemicals can react with organic matter present in the water, leading to the formation of THMs.
Natural organic matter, such as decaying leaves and plants, is commonly present in water sources. As water travels through rivers, lakes, and streams, it is bound to pick up these organic materials, which can result in high levels of organic matter in the water by the time it reaches treatment facilities2. In some cases, industrial activities and pollutants can also contribute to the increasing levels of organic matter in water, further enhancing the potential for THM formation.
Disinfectants like chlorine and chloramine play a crucial role in eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses from drinking water, ensuring that it is safe for consumption. However, during the disinfection process, these chemicals may react with organic matter and form THMs as unwanted by-products. This formation can lead to elevated concentrations of THMs in drinking water.
Effects of Trihalomethanes on the Human Body
Trihalomethanes (THMs) are a class of chemical by-products formed when chlorine or bromine interacts with natural organic materials found in water. These compounds are commonly found in chlorinated drinking water and can pose health risks to humans.
One of the main concerns with THMs is their potential impact on the liver. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to these chemicals can cause liver damage, as well as negative effects on the central nervous system. This can manifest in several ways, such as dizziness, fatigue, and even impaired motor skills.
Reproductive issues are another significant concern associated with THMs. Exposure to these chemicals has been linked to an increased risk of spontaneous abortions and miscarriages. Furthermore, THMs have been considered as potential contributors to decreased fertility rates and reproductive abnormalities.
There is also a connection between THMs and various types of cancer. Specifically, colorectal, rectal, and colon cancers have been associated with long-term exposure to these compounds, although some studies suggest the link isn’t as strong as with other health concerns related to THMs. Other cancers, such as bladder cancer, have also been linked to excessive intake of chlorinated water containing THMs. Due to their carcinogenic properties, these chemicals pose a significant health risk to humans.
Inhalation of THMs from shower steam or during other activities, such as swimming, may also cause health issues. When inhaled, these compounds can also adversely affect the respiratory system and increase the risk of asthma exacerbation.
Regulations have been put in place to limit the presence of THMs in drinking water. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other regulatory agencies have established guidelines for safe levels of these contaminants in an effort to mitigate the associated health risks. These regulations focus on reducing the concentration of THMs and other microbial contaminants to ensure public safety.
In summary, the health effects of trihalomethanes in drinking water encompass a range of issues, from liver damage and central nervous system impairment to reproductive problems and various types of cancer. Understanding these risks and adhering to established regulations is crucial to maintaining the safety of our water supply.
Trihalomethanes (THMs) are a group of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that can form in drinking water when chlorine or other disinfectants react with organic matter. In response to the potential health risks associated with THMs, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule, which sets maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for these compounds in drinking water systems.
Regular testing is crucial in ensuring that THM levels in drinking water remain within the established limits. Fortunately, modern drinking water regulations are stringent, requiring water suppliers to annually monitor the quality of their water to ensure compliance with these rules.
Elevated levels of THMs in drinking water may pose potential health risks for consumers. Haloacetic acids and other DBPs can also form during the disinfection process. It is essential for public awareness and understanding of the possible exposure routes, which include not only ingestion but also showering and washing clothes.
Appropriate mitigation measures, such as improved water treatment processes, can help reduce the formation of THMs and other DBPs in drinking water systems. Ensuring that THM levels comply with the maximum contaminant levels set by the EPA is crucial for safeguarding public health while still providing effective water disinfection to eliminate pathogens.
In summary, maintaining the balance between effective water disinfection and minimizing the formation of THMs and other DBPs is vital for the continued safety and quality of drinking water. Ongoing research, technological innovation, and adherence to drinking water regulations will aid in achieving this goal.